From: 18-15n-77-30w
Starting the New Years with Pops Of Color!
I am loving my new Feather Fashion Clips hair accessories. Each feather clip-in has great color combinations, that give awesome pops of color, that can help to change my look when I want to try something new with my hair. Feather Fashion Clips work with any hair type and are affordable. Go to their site now to see their Buy 2, get one free sale now!
Goody Accessories & Double Wear Line
I am loving my new hair accessories from Goody! Lots of great headbands and hair clips that can also be worn as pins. Goody accessories are a great brand because the're are accessories that work for both your little girl and for you. They have organic based hair products. And they has also have new line of Double Wear accessories that include 2-in-1 headbands and ponytail holders that can double as necklace or bracelet. To see more, go to
Merry Christmas, Thoughts, Thank you's & Wallpaper
Here we are again at the end of another busy year. As I tidy my desk and prepare for some much anticipated time away from the office, my mind reflects on the year that was.
It has been a year of setbacks, struggle, sickness and sadness for so many people I know and so many people I don’t know and to them I would like to say sorry. Sorry you had to go through so much heartache and sorrow. I hope, as the year crosses over to the next, things will improve for you all. xx
For me, I feel like I have been chasing my tail all year with to do lists the size of Mount Everest. No matter how easy it may look, nothing and I repeat, nothing comes easy.
With lots of hard work, commitment, stress, worry, exhaustion and tears comes achievement and 2011 saw the successful launch of our online store which I am looking forward to growing and developing further in 2012.
The year also brought some exciting jobs my way along with some wonderful new clients as well as old clients who are very supportive and encouraging and for that I am very thankful. I am also very thankful for the wonderful, hard-working and creative people I've had the fortune of working with this year both in-house at B&S and externally. They have all helped me more than you could ever imagine and I am truly grateful for everything they have brought to the table.
Throughout the year I was presented with some extremely exciting, yet humbling offers. One such offer is something I have been secretly working on for the most part of the second half of this year and it is something I have been dying to tell you about.
Do you want to know what it is?
Well, I am thrilled and excited to announce that earlier this year renowned Australian paint and wallpaper company, Porter’s Paints asked me to design a range of wallpaper with them and in the early part of 2012 we will be launching Anna Spiro for Porter’s Paints – a collection of wallpapers which will certainly spell my signature style . This is something I have always dreamt of doing and I would like to extend a huge thank you to Porter's Paints for this wonderful opportunity.
In the photo above and below of my inspiration board, if you look closely, you might be able to identify some of the drawings of the proposed designs. A special little sneak peek for you my loyal readers.
There will be 3 designs to start with and the collection will hopefully grow to 12 designs and maybe, just maybe, some of the designs might eventually be available in fabric too. The colour ways will be fresh and uplifting and perfect for all of you who love colour just as much as I do.
So, there are some big things in the pipeline and lots of hard work ahead in 2012. But for now, it’s off to the beach with my boys to enjoy the simple pleasures of life and just between you and me I can’t wait to spend endless days with them swimming, walking, reading, sleeping, laughing, talking, kissing and cuddling.
Thank you so much for following my blog and my journey. It’s been 5 years now since I started this blog and I can’t believe that you continue to read it. I really can’t.
I hope I can continue to fill your world with colour and inspiration in 2012.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!!
PS. I'll be back sometime in January. Not sure when. xx
Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway Winner!!!
Thank you everyone that participated in the Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway. The winner is Dada Chiku (Curly-haired Chatterbox)!!! Congraguations... :-). Please contact me at to give me your ship to address. This will be forward to Shappy Apple Rep, who will send the dress to you in your size. Thank you everyone and Happy Holidays!
Someday Perfume
Great last minute holiday buy! I usually don't wear perfumes, but I love this new perfume called Someday! It smells really good and is quickly becoming one of my favorite scents. This will be one perfume that will not sit on my counter collecting dust.

African Doll Clothes by Donnilah
Whatinspired you to create dolls with African clothing? My original inspirationcame from an African woman who requested me to make dolls that reflected theladies in her African wedding. I am always up for the challenge. I studied thepictures and found the fabric… I’t all started coming together.
Howdid you learn to sew/create African styled clothing? My father taught me how tosew. His mother (my grandmother) taught him and all of her 10 children how tosew. I am grateful to have a skill that has been passed down throughgenerations. The concept of African/Ethnic styles comes from watching the topdesigners who have adopted the styles of Ancent African clothing, geometricdesigns and patterns. We are so diverse in style and flare. We are theoriginators of fashion. I am still studying and interpreting style and fashionson a global scale.
Howhas the response been to your doll creations? The responses have been awesome.I have customers of all ethnic backgrounds who enjoy the dolls and the beautythey represent. I am really encouraging people to collect them and enjoy theirback story. I want to teach the children about fashions from around the world. Thesedolls create awareness and appreciation of global beauty, not just Africanbeauty. African people are all over the world because we all from Africa.
Whatis your goal with bringing these dolls to our community? I am hoping my art andstories will educate little girls. We also need to teach our children its ok tobe, look, like who you are. God made no mistakes in creating us it’s a blessingwe are so diverse and we come in so many beautiful shades and colors. I alsohope we learn to leave a legacy as my grandmother and father has left with me.In every doll that I make I leave that legacy the spirit my grandmother's artand fashion lives on.
Howcan people see more of your work and how can they contact you? I can be reachedat: I am opening up an online boutique soon Annie Bella'sboutique, named after my grandmother Mrs. Annie Bell McClendon.
Almost There...
We are getting there slowly but surely even though the days just seem to be racing by. We only have a few more jobs to install between now and Friday thank goodness!!
Today we installed a job which we've been working on all year and although the builder's haven't quite finished I had to snap this photo of the ensuite to show you. It's just such a gorgeous house. I will get some more photos to share with you in the new year because the kitchen is to-die-for!! We painted all the cabinetry pale pretty!
My posts may be a bit light on now this week but I will be posting a final post for the year towards the end of the week in which I will be sharing some very exciting news so stay tuned for that!!
Flowers Everywhere
We've had an endless bounty of beautiful flowers from the garden this week. The Zinnas are flowering in full glory and the Dahlias just seem to keep on coming. Here are some sitting on our fireplace mantel this afternoon. There's no doubt about it, they make me so happy!!
Hope you've had a happy weekend!
Happy Friday
I just had to post this beautiful vintage one-off Indian cloth box. It is so beautiful. It is one of 8 we just received into the store today. I am officially in-love with all of them. You should see inside them...they are divine!
Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend...not long to go now until the holidays! I think I am counting down the minutes!!!
Tablecloths Back in Stock
Just in case you missed out the first time round, I thought I would let you know that we have some of our beautiful embroidered tablecloths back in stock over at the online store. There is only 3 red and 2 blue left so if you would like one CLICK HERE... UPDATE - ALL THE BLUE CLOTHS ARE NOW SOLD AND THERE IS ONLY 2 RED CLOTHS LEFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HURRY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, if you liked our fabulous beach towels I have marked the green and coral coloured towels down to half the original price. CLICK HERE...
We also have a few more blue and white owl jugs back in stock...CLICK HERE
This Friday will be our last day for guaranteed pre-Christmas shipping within Australia just in case you wanted to do any last minute Christmas shopping!! xx
Shabby Apple Dress Giveaway!!
Hey Everyone! I'm giving away this great Baciami dressfrom Shabby Apple (,an online boutique of women's dresses. The dress is a great look for alunch, work and more! It has an $88.00 value and is free to whom everwins this contest. To win the Baciami dress, following these steps:
- Go to Shabby Apple's website, and leave a comment here tellingus what is your favorite dress.
- Like Shabby Apple on Facebook
- All contestants must have a US shipping address.
The contest ends Saturday, December 17th, 2011, at midnight. Good luck!
Our Tree is Up
I was a bit late getting our Christmas tree at home up this year. Maybe it was because I had already decorated 2 trees for our store and online store and the thought of decorating another one was exhausting!
We opted for a live Christmas tree this year and instead of my usual 'filled to the brim' with baubles style tree, we went for simple big bows which I made in an array of mis-matched fabrics. I don't think I could have coped with our little Max pulling my baubles, which I have collected over the years, off the tree!! I have even placed some of the gifts, which I have wrapped in fabric, on our fireplace mantel because I am sure that Max would be into them big time if they were on the floor under the tree...too much temptation!!
You might notice a little origami star which I have hung at the top of our tree. Well, this very special decoration was made by Henry. He and his mum, who is a beautiful client of mine, gave it to me on Friday and I was just blown away. I can't believe that he sat down and made this for me. I actually had a tear in my eye when it was given to me. After such a hectic and stressful week it certainly put a big smile on my face...Isn't that what giving is all about...putting a smile on someone else's face and making them feel so special.
Thank you Henry and A...I just love it so much!!
Fab New Things
Late last week our store was starting to look a bit bare with the lead up to Christmas but this week we've had quite a few deliveries of new and exciting things. One of my favourite things we had delivered this week were these fabulous drum side tables which also come in orange. For under $100 they make an excellent Christmas gift but you will need to be quick as we have already sold quite a few and the numbers are limited!!
Hope you have a great weekend. Only 2 weeks to go until the holidays. I just can't wait to get away from it all...
Holiday Gift Guide!
Check out the post below for great Holiday Gift giving ideas! For Accessories, there is Hair Feather from Fine Featherheads; and hand-made hair bows from QuellyRue Designs.
For hair and body products, see the post for Dr. Miracle's hair care products, Shielo Hair Technology & Care and Tattoo body scents!
Hair Feather from Fine Featherheads!

I am loving my new hair feathers from Fine Featherheads. They clip on very easy and add a great splash of color! I also loved the packaging. Very impressive and a great gift for the holidays!
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