Anyhow, in this instance we'll have to substitute the 'c' for a 'k' for this gorgeous 22 year-old specimen of Norwegian beauty. I swear if I didn't know better, this get-up might've been a vie for Calvin's attention
... Ah well... My jailbroken iphone background's looking ever the more hotter just about now, so I can't complain
Calvin Klein Ad... (almost)...
Eventually some grant money's gonna have to be put to figuring out just what it is about the name Eric(k) that lends itself to producing (shall we say) a predominantly gorgeous subset of the human population
... Not that I'm necessarily saying there's a correlation here... but yeah
Maxwell Zagorski appears on OLTL
Aside from the apparent obvious (i.e. the fact that this Maxwell here is quite easily one of the hottest models bar none at the moment), it's nice to see him finally branching out somewhat
... A One Life to Live daytime cameo is as good a place for a nascent acting career isn't it?...
I mean seriously, where better to go for what amounts to consistent/daily gratuitous displays utterly perfect shirtlessness?
Suffice no time was wasted putting the main attraction front and center... literally... (He's basically playing an 'life studies' model, so the justification/rationale is there I suppose... to some degree...)
How unfortunate this show's currently on the ropes ratings-wise. But yeah... with regards to Zagorski himself, I suppose with a few acting lessons the sky might be the limit
... (I mean the guy does literally look like the comic-book version of Captain America-come-to-life so who knows...)
I mean seriously, where better to go for what amounts to consistent/daily gratuitous displays utterly perfect shirtlessness?
Suffice no time was wasted putting the main attraction front and center... literally... (He's basically playing an 'life studies' model, so the justification/rationale is there I suppose... to some degree...)
How unfortunate this show's currently on the ropes ratings-wise. But yeah... with regards to Zagorski himself, I suppose with a few acting lessons the sky might be the limit
Just Blond Beautiful
In spite of the uber-gorgeous/well-chiseled/unfortunately unknown hottie model with perfect abdominals-set you see before you, I would like to set the record straight that blonds are still not necessarily my 'preference' of choice
But of course, I can be persuaded...
Give or take a couple artfully placed wire-roll... err... [insert whatever you call it thingy]... Juxtaposed with a pair of substantially low low-rising jeans Just Beautiful... Now if I but only had a name...
Nicole's Sisterloc's
Read this readers contribution from Nicole about her new Sisterloc's:
Q: How long have you been Natural? If you transitioned from process hair to natural hair, what made you want to change?
A: I have been natural for a year but unfortunately I wore weaves for that whole year. I stopped processing my hair because I thought it was an unnecessary expense since I did wear weaves and I wanted healthy hair. I now currently rock 2 day old sisterlocks. Which I am excited about!
Q: What has been the most amazing or suprising part of your having natural hair?

Q: What is your maintenance routine? What product do you love?
A: Right now I have a shake and go routine...still new to the sisterlocks.
Q: What advice do you have for any one that is considering going back to their natural texture or getting their hair loc'd?

Q: How can we keep up with you and your journey (for example: facebook, fotki, tumblr, twitter, and more)?
A: Facebook. I have a photo album that I will update often to show my sisterlocks journey.
Fab Party for Charity - Project Ahimsa
I went to a great party that was hosted to raise money for a charity called Project Ahimsa. It took place on Friday, September 24 in San Francisco. The theme was Bollywood Disco, and the charity is helping to raise money for underprivileged children in India that don't have music programs. To learn more about the charity, please to go Project Ahimsa Org.
It was so much fun. There was a live band, a henna tattoo artist, amazing food, great music & people. We danced and had a blast. And best news of all, the fundraising goal for that night, was met for a great charity.
Poised for Perfection
Poised for perfection?... Or just perfectly poised so as to achieve a perfect look that might only come about from being so poised in a perfect position, and... ah forget... This guy's just drop dead gorgeous
Devastatingly so... I won't even hazard a guess as to how long he might've had to hold that pose, but this (at least in my most humble opinion) is a masterful shot. And of course aside from the pose and atmosphere, the 20 year-old Virginian subject is pretty much a stunning piece of work in his own right...Is it safe to say this kid's got potential written all over him?... Nope, no, wait a minute... I think I can just barely make out something written across his face... Is that...? Ah yes, Just Beautiful
And the Winner is...
Well... One thing's for certain. I have no clue whatsoever as to what this guy happened to be competing in, or even how well he might've done for that matter
But just judging from my vantage point he certainly gets first prize in my book for... err... shall we say 'asset management?'... And uh... building up a robust portfolio
? Ok, fine forget it, half his ass is hanging out of his trunks and its hot. (He's sagging boardshorts for goddsakes
But just judging from my vantage point he certainly gets first prize in my book for... err... shall we say 'asset management?'... And uh... building up a robust portfolio
But yeah... definitely from top to abs on down to bottom he gets first prize in my book...
And now a word from our resident hottie
Big Picture takes a Dive
Gorgeous, gorgeous photography as always from one of my favorite sites on the net...
The dive set is kind of an annual thing the Big Picture's had going for a while now, so this year's set was released earlier this month as kind of an end of summer tribute...Stunning, stunning shots indeed...
I don't know, there's just something about bodies and grace and motion (maybe beauty?) that I don't think I'll ever be able to get enough of. Certainly they make for quite phenomenal photographs... And of course divers are never bad to look at...You can check out the entire set over on The Big Picture... And of course, I'd suggest checking out the rest of the site, seeing as its quite easily one of the greatest photojournalistic sites on the net.
I love it.
I Dream of Germany
I dream a dream that starts in Germany...
And apparently ends with a surreal dosage of Just Beautiful...
Utterly, utterly gorgeous photography... Such simple yet effective focusing on just the subjects outdoors, in natural settings/lighting, almost looking like they're wandering in a dream state (or maybe a dream realm to be more precise?).

Apparently from what I gather, he doesn't own/make use of a studio at this point... But working with what he's got (i.e. the stunning landscapes around cities like Cologne and Berlin)... along with a generally keen eye for beauty more than makes up for it.
Notwithstanding of course the slew of stunning Deutschland models like Marco (above) and Daniel (below) he's had the good fortune of working with.
Thanks to Gregor for allowing me to post these shots. And of course you can check out more of Gregor's seemingly surreal vision of gorgeous German models over at his photostream up on Flickr.

And might I add, if all my dreams were this pleasant, I'm not entirely sure I'd want to wake up