Inspirational quote of the day
Hot new shoe from Loubou's

Painfully cute shoes from Loubou's. I feel a little bit of a dominatrix vibe from this design. I'm just saying... :-P. But if I had an event to go to, and they weren't so expensive, I would rock 'um.
- Source: Maneandchic
Singer Carmen Liana
Off-Topic.... Cute Hammer Pants!?!

Photo Source: Bossip
That's All Folks

Blue & White Lamp Heaven

Two Updo how-to's
Inspirational pictures of the day!

Very cool pictures from model and actress, Nerissa Irving. To see and read more about her, go to her myspace page.
E-Advice & Questions: More info for....
"I have become a huge fan of your blog and website, but I noticed that for those of us with short, natural hair, there is not a lot of info given or styles demonstrated. I love reading your tips on how to care for natural hair and the encouragement you give women and men to be natural; could you possibly add some advice for those of us who are just beginning our journey?"
YES!!! I am so sorry that I have not been giving a lot of attention to so many woman out there that are just starting out with short styles. Or woman that just love having their hair short. I would be very happy to start sharing more photos, tips and information for woman with shorter hair styles, and woman that are transitioning. Thank you for bringing this to my attention Joy. Your opinion counts!
Talking Around The Skirted Round Table

Beautiful Internationally
The word BEAUTIFUL in various Languages:
- Cilubà (language spoken in the heart of Africa ): Citèèlu
- Spanish: Hermoso
- Swahili: Hidaya
- French: Belle or Beau
- German: Schön
- Italian: Bello
- Portuguese (Brasil & Portugal): Bonito
- Native American (Cheyenne): Emo'onahe
- Japanese: Utsukushii
Vintage Chairs

Sorry about the terrible photos however, I just had to snap a few shots of these pretty chairs I recently had recovered for one of my clients. They were her mother's chairs which we have worked into her lounge room scheme. We covered them in a black and white ticking and had box pleated skirts put around the base of them. I wanted to keep the timber frame in it's original condition so as to show the age of the chairs.
Winners!! - Cute Lola and Invu earrings...
Interview with Wahidah Fowler
Wahidah Fowler is a Model, TV Personality and a Community Activist. I had the opportunity to interview her (my favorite model) for my natural hair encouragement website Naturally Beautiful Hair. Here are a few quotes from Wahidah's interview:
"My mother taught me the reason why I should be proud of wearing my hair natural. She made me feel like it was such a beautiful and strong statement I was making."
"I give a different perspective of an image that’s not seen that often in the media. So those few jobs I do get, I am noticed. If a certain director does not want to work with me due to my natural hair, I can’t allow that to stop me from progressing in this industry. "
Natural Beauty Spotlight - Meela

Big Wow!

Artwork by Salena
Cupboard Makeover

At the shop I have lots of bits of left over wallpaper from displays we have done. I'm thinking I might use some of these bits to paper the back of my cupboard door.
This pretty image has inspired me.
E - Advice: How to tell my girl....

Here is my advice to him:
I think approaching the subject of asking a woman, that you are just getting to know, to be more natural is very touchy. If she brings up the subject, then your in!! But if its not something that she talks about, it may be hard to bring it up without offending her.
If you are just starting to date, I would say wait awhile, until you have established that you really love the way she looks and carries herself. Once you are both kind of over the initial newness of the relationship (give or take 2 or 3 months), I think it may be ok to ask her if she would ever consider wearing her hair naturally.
But!! And this is a big but! You have to be ready for her to possibly reject the idea. She may like her own style or way of presenting herself to the world. And if she says she is not into it, you may have to just respect that. In my own situation - I entered my relationship with my husband with permed hair. I already had a huge desire to go natural. So when he brought it up and encouraged me to loc / dread my hair, I was all for it. So it really just depends on her mindset.
Hope this helps!
From the Files

Looking Forward To This...

Michelle Adams is at it again with her business partner, photographer Patrick Cline. Here's what they are about to launch into;
{Excerpt taken from M.A. Belle}
In a time when shelter publications are turning their last pages...
OUR MISSION is to reopen the doors of accessible design. By embracing an online platform we provide inspiration at the click of a finger, directly connecting our readers to their favorite products and resources. Our freedom from page limits means that we can share more content in each issue, delivering an intimate look into the way people really live. At Lonny, we value independent thinking and believe not in following trends but rather in making choices that lead to happiness. We believe that good design and affordable design can coexist and that true inspiration can be found in the teeniest of homes or in the grandest of spaces.
Coming Fall 2009 ;)
I will definitely be checking back for updates on their new venture!
A Fresh New Life

The Hart

Giveaway! Cute Lola and Invu earrings...
Interviewed by Holly Becker