But alas, unfortunately I'm kind of one-track mind kind of guy (at least on this blog
So yeah, I'm going to have to confess... I think the latest character (Chuck Greene) taking over as protagonist in this latest Dead Rising sequel being released today... is kinda hot... (yes, there I said it 

Can you blame me though?... I mean he does kind of bear a couple features I might find attractive in real life. A little chest fuzz... an apparent trail... nice assets... All rendered mind you, but very well designed I must say

And of course, aside from adding tons of clothing options in this latest game, they had to go ahead and throw in the infamous Borat mankini. (*sigh*)... Running around in a game as a half naked character from start to finish... Like a moth to flame for me unfortunately....
And to think, I used to find mankinis ridiculous back around the time of Borat. Videos like the one above have pretty much turned my attitude a full 180