Not that I'm trying to alarm anyone, and not that I want to come off as paranoid in the sight of... err, hm

At least I hope I'm not being paranoid, but I could almost swear there's a certain photographer out there (I won't name names)... Who's had it out for me for a while now, laying hotness landmines in my path as I innocently check through my ever accumulating e-mail inbox.
Again, I won't name names *cough* British ultra-sexy photographer Dylan Rosser *cough*, but I managed to quickly power-off the laptop this morning and switch off the wi-fi connection before the processor had a chance to overheat on account of a certain British Mathematics major/somestimes soccer player-turned-latest Rosser model by the name of Peter H...
Hm, ok, I think I'll just stop here. You guys can check out more of Peter over at Dylan's website. In the meanwhile, I think I'll just go fetch myself an ice-cold glass of water... with extra ice... before taking a cold shower