Should I or should I not...
A good $60 burning a hole in my pocket, and a game that for all intents and purposes looks like a lot of fun... but has been somewhat on the receiving end of wildly fluctuating review scores for the better part of a week since its US release...A game hailed by its developer as the be all and end all of all RPGs, promising so much yet time and again coming woefully short. The third iteration no less in a series that I must admit I have enjoyed in the past in spite of the aforementioned disappointments and short-comings. A third iteration that I'm getting awfully close to purchasing perhaps this weekend... Hm, should I do it, or shouldn't I

Again, the game does look like a lot of fun... And would you believe it if I told you last weekends AP-sourced news rounds were awash tales of Fable-inspired marriages and adoptions? (read: same-sex marriages and adoptions in an RPG)... It's true, apparently the developers over at Lionhead Studios took it upon themselves to give an in-depth presentation (almost)...
They shied away from playing as two males, but I think an in-studio proposal is about as close as it gets for these guys